
What happens with the Kickstarter campaign

Renegade Kid is best accepted as the architect of the Dementium alternation and titles such as Treasurenauts. Cult County is declared as "The Walking Dead meets Silent Hill 2 from a first-person perspective Blade And Soul Gold." The bold is set in a "small, arenaceous West Texas town." In aninterview with Polygon endure month, aggregation co-founder Jools Watsham said the bold would progress, behindhand of Kickstarter success. "

We will accomplish Cult County behindhand of what happens with the Kickstarter campaign," he said. "It will yield a lot best for us to complete Cult County if the minimum ambition is not reached, though.""Cult County Kickstarter has ended Cheap BNS Gold. 1492 admirable backers apprenticed $46,736. Thank you! We did not ability goal. Now discussing added options," declared Watshamon Twitter today. "

