
Something able abundant to annihilate a Reaper

EA has arise added breadth of single-player DLC for Mass Aftereffect 3, due for absolution on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC afterwards this summer NBA Live Coins.Titled 'Mass Aftereffect 3: Leviathan', the new agreeable takes players on a chase aloft the galaxy to acquisition the Leviathan, a able weapon able of antibacterial a Reaper.

The adventitious takes abode during the contest of Mass Aftereffect 3, and will acquaint new areas on the Citadel, new characters and two new weapons: the AT-12 Raider shotgun and M-55 Argus Advance Rifle."Something lurks in the aphotic corners of space, something able abundant to annihilate a Reaper," apprehend a column on BioWare's blog."

