
Ubisoft’s Aymar Azaizia

This morning, Naughty Dog arise an cool bivouac for their next game, Uncharted 4. Within the next two hours, some developers at Ubisoft noticed something strange: It uses abstraction art from Assassin’s Creed.Maybe it’s an homage. Maybe it’s a mistake. Maybe Nathan Drake bought the Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag art book and admired it so much, he absitively to anatomy one of the paintings. Either way, it’s actual that AC artwork appears in Naughty Dog’s latest Cheap NBA Live Coins.Here’s the accordant beforehand from the trailer:And here’s the abstraction art from Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag:Whoops.

At atomic they edited out the assassin?Ubisoft’s Aymar Azaizia, whose official appellation is “Assassin’s Creed Head of Content”, aboriginal noticed that Naughty Dog had adopted their art, announcement about it this morning in a cheep that was retweeted by the official Assassin’s Creed account.Ubisoft adept Alex Hutchinson, administrator of Assassin’s Creed III and Far Cry 4, was decidedly barbarous on Twitter today, calling out above Ubisoft agent Jonathan Cooper, who now works at Naughty Dog. Cooper had alleged out Ubisoft for comments Hutchinson had fabricated about women accepting too difficult to breathing in Assassin’s Creed Unity.

