
The Super Bowl of the final version

Each year EA reiterates its professional sports teams and with great pleasure, let us no longer be mere updates, but more and more of some of the world's best-selling sports games truly develop. The Madden series has been an annual major because of the large volume updates and upgrades of the number one, not limited to the roster of simple updates and boundaries of objects. Moreover, dedicated to the NFL game world, there is a dramatic feature, except for the highly realistic, and even the way the sports live with the entire United States.

In order to understand the changes in the current version, just from the Patriots and Falcons, the Super Bowl of the final version of the game between the protagonists Madden Mobile Coins. It's hard to get your attention when you face the light almost perfect, almost identical to the player whose true peers a play. And because of this first tasting we can understand what developers are doing, regardless of the gameplay aspects of graphics, but the first thing.

Once the game starts you are in front of the menu with a single game from this season/franchise, the long-range model, in practice, the ultimate Team model, and finally, the online contest gliding ability of the classic sports game EA Sports. As for the standard single game mode, we offer two options, a very poor content and other decidedly more full-bodied. The superstar model offers very little in terms of content, basically proving a very similar fast game that can be thrown on the pitch without much frills.

