
The initial concept behind Rocket League

The preliminary concept behind the Rocket League is a series of small games used to test aspects of the open world car acrobatics. The Cone still hopes to follow up the first game, but after training with SARPBC, Psyonix knows that their best option is to choose a target and point it out. This goal is the goal - use your jumping vehicle to guide a giant ball to the opponent's goal. Even so, it takes a variety of models Rocket League Items. "We always thought multiplayer was the most fun part of the game, but surprisingly, most of the players who bought SARPBC never went online - or even online. This means that we need to provide a stronger single-player experience for Rocket League, which is why we decided to focus on season mode instead of mini-games. The SARPBC mini game is fun and challenging, but for the rocket alliance, we want players to spend time playing with something that trains them, or encouraging them to play online. "

Of course, once Psyonix has figured out how to integrate people into online games, real-time physical simulations can work in sync on up to six machines. The solution was formerly known as SARPBC, but the Cone was like a war veteran, reclaiming something indescribable. "Getting SARPBC on the Internet has some playability as a terrible hacker, not even good enough to continue to haunt me for a few years," he said. "In my mind, I've been thinking about how we can get a high-speed zombie physical game for high latency. All vehicles using physics multiplayer games, I can think of, don't even try to deal with delay ease - they just make the client input it will be sent to the server, waiting for a server running physical simulation, and then wait for the server to send the result back to the client. [but] rocket alliance vehicles can open up a dime, accelerate and brake extremely fast, and have the ability to instantly change direction using jumps and dodge. It's not comfortable to play a rocket league without a client forecast for just 40 milliseconds. Ping for 70 + milliseconds is almost meaningless. "

